
Contact us

For general inquiries, please contact our head office in Norway. You are also welcome to reach out to one of our sales offices. Contact details for these can be found below. You can also contact us by filling out the contact form.

Hallingplast AS, Norway

Email: post@hallingplast.no
Phone: +47 32 09 55 99

The switchboard is open on weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00.

International Sales
Martin Andersson

Contact form

We look forward to assisting you. Please fill out the contact form, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You can also call or email us directly.

Our markets

Hallingdal, Norge

Production and Office

Address: Kleivi næringspark 4, 3570 Ål
Phone: (+47) 32 09 55 99
Email: post@hallingplast.no
Website: www.hallingplast.no

Opening hours: Weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00.

Oslo, Norway

Sales Office Norway

Adress: Rosenholmveien 25, 1414 Trollåsen
Phone: (+47) 32 09 55 99
Email: post@hallingplast.no
Website: www.hallingplast.no

Opening hours: Weekdays fromfra 08:00 to 16:00

Stora Höga, Sweden

Sales Office Sweden

Adress: Brålandsvägen 9, 444 60 Stora Höga
Phone: (+46) 303-441 540
Email: post@hallingplast.se
Website: www.hallingplast.se

Opening hours: Weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00.


Sales Office Denmark

Telefon: +45 2966 0899
Epost: peter.ziegler@hallingplast.dk
Web: www.hallingplast.dk

Opening hours: Weekdays from 08:00 to 16:00.